New Scandinavia Topo map for Garmin

The new 2022 Scandinavia Topo map for Garmin with Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Including 20 m contour lines and DEM hill shading. Now on Sale at GarminWorldmaps.

  • Route planning on PC and Mac (with the free Garmin software BaseCamp)
  • This PRO map is topographic and shows contour lines every 20 m with DEM Hillshading. Hillshading is a technique for creating relief maps, showing the topographical shape of hills and mountains using shading on a map, just to indicate relative slopes and mountain ridges.
  • Transferring a route or track from your PC or Mac iOS to your Garmin GPS device is super easy. Just install the map included in your download on your PC or Mac iOS. Plan your adventures or trips and then copy everything to your GPS.
  • Editing of finished routes for individual adaptation
  • The map material is very detailed and comprehensive and always up to date
  • Depending on the Garmin model, our maps also support “routing” with voice output
  • This map is excellent for Street navigation, hiking, cycling and mountain biking. It calculates for every occasion the right way. The download includes three versions of the map, so you don’t have to bother how and where to use it.
  • Windows computer. Map to install on the computer with the free software Garmin BaseCamp (Windows). With this map, you have the option of editing the map on your computer, planning routes, and sending the map and / or routes to the navigation system.
  • Mac OSx computer. Map to install on your computer with free Garmin BaseCamp software (Mac OSx). With this map, you have the option of editing the map on your computer, planning routes, and sending the map and / or routes to the navigation system.
  • GARMIN microSD card. Map for direct copying to the microSD card or the internal memory of the navigation device (without a computer). With this map you have the possibility to copy the GPS map directly to the navigation system or the microSD card. (Plug & Play).

Now on SALE for just 29,90 €

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